Sergei Akopov & Ekaterina Donskikh: Taking Putin’s jokes seriously: what does gender-based humor tell us about Russia’s ontological insecurity, masculinity, and construction of gendered hierarchies?, International Feminist Journal of Politics, October 2024
Gleb Bogush: Russian Citizens in the EU Following the Russian Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine. The Impact of Entry Restrictions, Barriers to Protection and Possible Solutions. Free Russia Foundation, 2024.
Veronika Zinchenko: Ukrainian Ballet of the Independence Era: Development Trends, Genre-Intonation Specifics. – Qualification scientific work on the rights of the manuscript. The dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 025 “Musical art” (field of study 02 “Culture and Arts”). — Ukrainian National P. Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, Kyiv 2024, p. 241.
Veronika Zinchenko: "To be free... To feel the power of ancestors... To live forever: "Shadows of forgotten ancestors" (in the online magazine "Music" from February 1, 2024)
Sergei Akopov: Madonna versus “Mother Russia?” Visual Anthropology of Loneliness and Gendered Nationalism on Russian 2021–2023 Political Posters, International Political Sociology, Volume 18, Issue 2, June 2024.
Sergei Akopov: Sovereignty as ‘organized loneliness’: an existential approach to the sovereigntism of Russian ‘state-civilization’, Journal of Political Ideologies, 29:1, 2024, pp. 145-170.
Sergei Akopov: epiVOGUE: How Writing a Novel about Transnational Loneliness Made Me Rethink My Strategy of Survival, in Writing saved me: when the international gets personal. Edited by Masters, Cristina, Choi, Shine, Zalewski, Marysia, Parashar, Swati. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: 2023, pp. 118-138.
Sergei Akopov: When women speak phallocentric positionalities: biopolitics of feminine loneliness in Russian cinemascape, Visual Anthropology. 36:4: 397-420, 2023.
Sergii Masol: Human Rights Rules and Principles in the Legal Regime of the International Criminal Court: Refining the Super-Legality Approach, in Martin Faix and Ondřej Svaček (eds), ICC Jurisprudence and the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 97-120.
Sergii Masol: Are You a Leader? Ukraine’s Supreme Court Clarifies the Definition of the Crime of Aggression, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law (22.04.2024)
Gleb Bogush: Russland vor Gericht bringen: Strafverfolgung völkerrechtlicher Verbrechen (Russland-Analysen 444, 16.12.2023)
Gleb Bogush: Taking Russia to Court: Prosecution of International Crimes (Russian Analytical Digest 307, 2023, p. 2-8)
Claus Kreß: Weltstrafjustiz. An interview with Claus Kreß (in: Gesellschaft - Wirtschaft - Politik, Jg. 72, 4/2023)
Sergii Masol: From Tartu and Bandung: Decolonising the Debates on the Russo-Ukrainian War. International Law Blog, 09.10.2023
Claus Kreß: Die völkerstrafrechtliche Dimension des russischen Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine. KriPoZ-Kriminalpolitische Zeitschrift, 5/2023, pp. 342-348.
Andreas Heinemann-Grüder: Die Entmachtung der Gesellschaft durch die Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirche: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., 2023
Sergii Masol: Is Criminality a Russian Virtue Worth Cultivating?: The Bill on Crimes Committed in the Interests of Russia and Its Proxies, VerfBlog, 25.01.2023 DOI: 10.17176/20230125-201918-0.
Claus Kreß, Angelika Nußberger, Stephan Hobe: Війна в Україні та злочин агресії: Як заповнити прогалини в міжнародній правовій системі (in Ukrainian), The Ukraine War and the Crime of Aggression: How to Fill the Gaps in the International Legal System (in English), 23.01.2023.
Sergii Masol: Ukraine and the International Criminal Court: Between Realpolitik and Post-truth Politics, 20 Journal of International Criminal Justice 2022, с. 167-190.
Sergii Masol: Orwellian Rulings of the Russian Constitutional Court on the Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia Provinces of Ukraine, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law, 25.10.2022
Andreas Heinemann-Grüder & Aris, S.. Russian Analytical Digest No. 290: Wagner Group: Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich; Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), University of Bremen; Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES), George Washington Un., 2022
Andreas Heinemann-Grüder: Russland-Politik in der Ära Merkel. SIRIUS – Zeitschrift für Strategische Analysen, 6(4), 359-372, 2022
Andreas Heinemann-Grüder: Warum Deutschland einen Rat für Strategische Vorausschau braucht. 49security, 2022
Andreas Heinemann-Grüder: Die Silowiki in den »Volksrepubliken« Donezk und Luhansk: Entstehung der bewaffneten Einheiten. Bremen: Ukraine Analysen, 2022.
Angelika Nußberger: Die Zukunft des Europäischen Menschenrechtsschutzes – Zur Frage nach dem status quo in zwanzig Jahren, в: EuRGZ 2022, с. 593-597.
Claus Kreß: Der Ukraine-Krieg und das völkerrechtliche Gewaltverbot (Juristische Studiengesellschaft, 2021/2022), на украинском языке: Війна в Україні та заборона застосування сили в міжнародному праві, in: Український часопис міжнародного права, 4/2022, с. 8-23.
Angelika Nußberger: Human Rights and Peace - Disillusionment or Hope?, The Russian Example in: Liber Amicorum Robert Spano, 2022, с. 511-522.
Angelika Nußberger, Martin Aust, Andreas Heinemann-Grüder, Ulrich Schmid: Osteuropa zwischen Mauerfall und Ukrainekrieg. Besichtigung einer Epoche, Suhrkamp, 2022.
Angelika Nußberger: Европейский суд по правам человека, пер. с англ. А.Г. Румянцева. – Москва: Институт права и публичной политики 2022 (англ.: The European Court of Human Rights, Oxford University Press 2020).