On September 28 and 29, the University of Duisburg-Essen and the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (DUAG) with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) hosted the “Days of Ukraine in North-Rhine Westphalia 2023” in Essen. The Advisor to the Vice Rector for International Affairs of the University of Bonn, Amanda Henson, attended the two-day conference as a representative of the Cologne/Bonn Academy in Exile (CBA). The CBA was represented among the poster presentations and the connection of two of our Ukrainian CBA fellows, Professor Dr. Iryna Petrova and Professor Dr. Daria Vystavkina, to DUAG activities was also recognised. With talks from representatives of the DUAG, DAAD, universities in NRW, as well as universities and civil society organizations in Ukraine on numerous collaborative academic projects in research, learning and teaching; not only on the scientific level, but also in higher education administration, our advisor walked away with a better understanding of the bi-national project and funding landscape. The attendance of the conference – which also included a speech from the Consul General of Ukraine in Düsseldorf, Iryna Shum, and a musical performance from the folk music trio from Donetsk, Dyvyna, as well as ample opportunities for networking with researchers and representatives of various organizations – certainly enriched the foundational knowledge the Academy needs to progress in its work.
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12. Juni 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Together with other Russian lawyers, legal scholars and human rights activists, our CBA fellow Dr Gleb Bogush supports the establishment of an international tribunal to investigate the crime of aggression against Ukraine.

You can find the document in English, Russian and Ukrainian languages here: BRUSSELS DECLARATION
More information on the Brussels Declaration can be found on the site of Just Security: "The Brussels Declaration: Russian International and Human Rights Lawyers’ Statement on Accountability", written by Gleb Bogush and Sergey Vasiliev.
An interview with Gleb Bogush can be found on the site of the Deutsche Welle in Russian: Трибунал для Путина": российские юристы начали действовать and Ukrainian language: Про "трибунал для Путіна" заговорили російські юристи (interview by Xenia Polskaya, 09.06.2023)
20. März 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2023
The Cologne/Bonn Academy in Exile (CBA), founded in June 2022 by the Universities of Cologne and Bonn, is inviting further scholars from Ukraine as well as researchers at risk from Russia and Belarus to join the Academy in the second selection round. The Academy focuses on law, political science, history, cultural studies and linguistics. Of central importance are projects on comparative politics, law and linguistics as well as on European history. Scholars who wish to continue their research at the Universities of Cologne or Bonn are cordially invited to submit their projects. In addition to administrative support, the CBA offers working spaces and academic supervision through subject-specific mentorships in the respective disciplines to facilitate the integration of the researchers into the local, national and European university landscape. In addition to the integration of the fellows into existing networks of the individual institutes, the CBA researchers receive comprehensive advice and support from the Refugee Scholar Support Departments of the Universities of Cologne and Bonn as well as the opportunity to participate in accompanying workshops and other academic formats.
If you would like to continue your research in the CBA network and your project corresponds to the Academy's profile, please feel free to fill out this form and send your project description, CV and relevant references to
New submission deadline: 15.06.2023
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to receiving your application!
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